December Newsletter

December Newsletter

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This kit contains per-written letters for your donor/partners for each month of the year. All you have to do is fill in a story (paragraph) of the impact your station is currently making. Intros, illustrations, scripture verses, etc. are all included. Available in Word DOC, PDF, or MAC Pages for easy download.

Additionally, we have 40 Stewardship Spots that will educate your listeners about how to invest their time, talent, and treasure. Don't wait until your on air fundraising campaign to educate your listeners about the resources God has given to them. Educate them all year long with these spots. You get all 40 and determine the frequency/burn rate of each one. Each one is tagged with your station brand.


Ending Your Year Strong

As 2019 ends, and 2020 begins, this is a great time to share with your partners the vision you have for your organization. In 20/20 Vision in 2020, Some of what we’re going to share are what we would call “no brainer issues.” But sometimes the “common sense” things are what we tend to forget as we run the rat race of managing our nonprofits, heads down, plowing the ground. Our hope is that it helps you be effective and fruitful in the mission you to which you are called.


2020 Kicks off with Online Training Resources for YOU!

Marketing Expert Webinar

Hear from Andrew Jackson, a well-rounded marketing expert that works for a large Christian radio station in Delaware.

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Lynette Eason, a famous author, teaches about how to tell stories in the most effective way possible.

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Taking Care of Your Donors

Jack Eason and Mike Williams will talk about the best practices when it comes to taking care of your donors.

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Have Jack Speak

Are you ready to raise lots of cash at your banquet? Are you tired of getting a speaker that's a "prima donna?" Did your last speaker show up just in time to speak? Jack Eason connects with you PRIOR to your banquet to help you think through how to raise the most cash. He also comes in early the day of your banquet to serve with your team. And he always knocks it out of the park in the delivery and appeal that evening. What are you waiting for?


The Loneliness Solution

Are you unsettled in your life? Perhaps you feel alone, slowly being engulfed, and you’re disoriented from a culture that is increasingly turbulent and volatile. You want to remain steadfast, but you’ve grown weary doing life alone. If that describes you, then this book will share the seven benefits found in real friendship and community that will encourage you to do life with others around you. Friendships and relationships can get you through the hardest times.


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