Engaging People in the "New Normal"
If you aren’t making engagement easy and accessible for everyone, you will struggle with support for your organization.
Layoffs and the inability to work are some of the most far-reaching and devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. While many of your supporters facing financial struggles at this time, they still want to take part in being connected to your organization and supporting it.
There are some money-free ways they can help:
Utilizing Online Fundraisers
Your organization can equip your supporters to fundraise for you. There are easy platform that enable donors to create their own fundraising page for your organization. You can also create your own livestream events with simple tools that are now available.
Volunteering From Home
Need a hand from supporters who are stuck at home? They can help with data entry, online auction listings, and sharing your social media posts.
They can also call and check in on some of your older donors who may find themselves alone.
Engaging Online
As some stay-at-home orders persist, many of us are extra plugged-in to our social media feeds to keep in touch with friends, loved ones, and our favorite organizations and brands. Now is the perfect time to polish and populate your social media feeds!